You just have alot of stuff because you was hacking before ...
Video is to laggy we cant see
You are not good at pvp ...
Or not x)
Waht screenshoots ?
Try to record whit fraps and after make montage whit videoPad :P
He try to reban a player :3
Learn to make good proof video ...
The proofs are not good --' Make a video
We see nothing .-.
Want to 1vs1 ? Im gonna show you ! You are not good x)
90/100 In pvp gansta ? xD I said like 50
Hello people of Mineverse !!! You search a faction ? Join AdventureTime !!! You need 2 things : - Have more then 5 power - To beat...
You like me :D !!
What your point ?
Or not --'
So cute ;)
Learn to make videos ):