Hi 808aidan here and I am recruiting people for my fac if you want to join fill out this template. IGN- Rank-(you don't need one) Highest level...
To those of you who are thinking that your account is gonna get hacked you are perfectly fine. You literally have to do nothing but wait. Here is...
Here are a few suggestions for factions -/warp pvp in the pvp arena there are 3 corners in the pvp area where people can sit and not get hit so...
Here are some suggestions for sky wars Add if you win a match you get 15-20$ Add more maps Add more items to buy
Hi aidan here and here are some suggestions for kitpvp -Have the 5 gold per vote back again THATS IT THX FOR READING :)
808aidan's Forum Mod App Forum name- 808aidan Time zone- Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone (UTC-10:00) Age- I am currently 13 Country- Hawaii,USA...
I am on the peoples side who lags or cant posts youtube vids we need a forum Mod wich is a Mod That only goes on the forums because some people...
Like it or nah give me a cookie if so because i am running out
Hi most of you may notice me as a douche most of u know me as funny and most of you know me as friends i have been on the server for a year and a...
HI GUYS! Aidan here and i am making a V.2 version of irl pics its for more resent pics that u just took so just post then here dont make fun of...
So u are a good person and you see a person sad :( u go up to them and wink at them;) they get happy for no reason and look like this :) u begin...
I was starting to think that hacking was allowed on op prison because if you go in pvp their are hackers and all thre are is hackers nothing else...
Hi i am Aidan IGN- 8O8aidan i am the leader of anonymous If you would like to join it is for Normal Fac if you want to join change your pic to a...
I have been thinking about additions you could dd to factions and here are some Make unarmed 15% easier to lvl up Let us sell Notch Apples for...
Your ingame name:808aidan The offender's ingame name:Mrex123 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Scamming i said if i gave him...
I know that there is a Mod one for this but since its a mod one ima make a member one who would u date if u got a chance to ? (no mods) just post...
I am quiting because of DDOS untill further notice I know who the DDosers are but i am not saying name so i dont get DDosed again Well bye guys im...
I am sick and tired of people calling me a hacker i dont even hack just plz stop i dont hack ok thank u
Plz tell me y i cant vote it says session closed