I laned in The Nethir portal and so i logged out in combat WTF !!
Ign:EddyCottonSocks Game mode banned on:Kitpvp Link to accepted...
Im Tongan dont hav to speak english and i can speak what ever languge i want thank you ******** I think u know what i mean
My ban appeal has been deined many times so why would i b-tch about now
Mata Uce Kefe fi pu danga
Cryp is apprently a stalker and sent piza to Pile door step and spilt Personal info like ip and stuffz
The server is … now no wonder all the mods are Leaveing the only OG Mod is @mineterria cause he has stayed as a mod since i can remeber even tho...
My head aint sppining and anyone can just spam a player into a wall
Ah is that even Vaild ?