im sorry I have caused you to change your mind I hope one day I can earn your support back and thanks for your input <3
? What? And km going to sleep soon so night
who is flamming and im not rate abusing check my profile out
no thanks tnuk there is nk reason to just ignore then
how am I flamming at you and im not mad and also im not rate abusing
very true tnuk
im starting to not care what I start saying to them too
lol that isnt proof and that wasnt my plot and the plot that has joneseys stuff is a plot jib showed me and I told jonsey that if he payed me for...
thank you but there is no need im quitting because people like scofu
My plot has noone added and if you dont agree go look at plot 56 I think thats the #
Go look at my plot it that picture isnt my plot and has never been my plot
that wasn't my plot and I have no access to other plots soo
I dont rate abuse and my statements are all valid and people like you are the reason I am quitting
Sco I dont have lava and if you want me to show proof I will when I decide to get on
as I have said many times I have broken no rules and also you can trash talk me and I cant reply?
why lie bro?
why do you point out me and only me leave this here and dont start anything more