Your ingame name: billybobjoethe123232 The offender's ingame name: god_of_pvp14 and n3ds123 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...
god you hack more than anyone and i finaly got proof and btw we all know your main got banned and btw bad camera dont really show proof
The mountain at spawn
Btw you could just make the exp rooma inside the mountain
No support you need more details
I didn't get the chance to know you when you where moderator and ive heard more negative than positive so im sorry no support
No support
because im a lover not a hater
soo what about my app...
?but pixie isn't in charge is she? and neither are you
stop what :? noone ever answered mine
In game name : progamer6 Age : 23 Rank (if any) : elite Skype : not posting here How long have you played on Mineverse : almost 9months YouTube...
ninjasap stop I do not hack and I will never hack leave it at that and stop posting
lol im sorry ninja but no
lordninja give me a reason is it because you rate abused and will a mod do something about him using an alt profile on something besides getting...
thank you ryan for your input I am sorry that I haven't been good lately