okay thank you for all your input i will try and be nicer and help more people <3
Have you tried walking to it and seeing if someone else claimed it?
I dont rate abuse so stop acting like a jerk about it and I am not going around rating everything dumb or disliking like you and jarroy
once i get done with my classes I will private message you my Skype
1st I am 23 and I dont rate abuse or try to I try to not get mad easy and thank you for your input
Please explain to me how I am acting childish I am just trying to get something on a server I love and people have to hate on me because of...
Grow up scofu your actions make you look like you're 2
Jarroy stop rate abusing
50% support you need to add more stuff try using Google translate
Sorry to post but this looks fake because why did you cross out the chat you dont really have any proof that it was 80$
No support you lied saying that you have never been on another server you can go on to Google and type in your mc name and see all the server's...
Btw I like how you bump up your mod app
No support you hack more thank spooky
Your ingame name: billybobjoethe99thpersonofthefapclub The offender's ingame name: thunder469 , bloedworm , diamant2222 , god_of_pvp14 , and...
if yo need more proof i got some
Your ingame name: progamer6 The offender's ingame name: joey_____1122 (there are 5 _'s) A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
your cousin lives at your house and uses the same pc and is the same person
they where trapping people in a room
thanks toby <3