btw rorums i was unbanned for that because i wasnt hacking
ive been banned 1 time and i was unbanned because it was wrongful ban
well okay thanks for your input
I have been mod on other servers I know what to do I will not abuse if I get it and I know that I dont have the best chances but you never know
well I hope to see you get a bigger and better faction
thanks cosmic <3
Your ingame name: billybobjoethe99thpersonofthetrolltown The offender's ingame name: zombie1502 A description of what rule they broke/how they...
no support i dont think you are active enough.
Your ingame name: billybobjoethe99thpersonofthetrolltown The offender's ingame name: InfiniteRhino A description of what rule they broke/how they...
remember smile it always helps and you just need to work on it for about 30mins
No support
Needs more details but 55% support
Your ingame name: progamer6 The offender's ingame name: ninjasap421 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill aura...
this is funny because i recorded you hacking today....
age shouldnt matter
Your ingame name: progamer6 The offender's ingame name: superchecker02 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: hacking...
maby a little
why would you get rid of them they are useful for misspvp and her running
I normally play on prison or kitpvp what do you play on?