Eh yeah support I guess. I like to use tall grass my advantage though because I normally use a bow to PvP.
Do you take requests bby? <33
Part of me wants to drink ______ and the other part of me wants to find this guy a record deal..
Kfc.. Mhmm mhmm. Tacos.. Uh huh uh huh. I feel like I know you... *looks in the mirror* Omg.. Are you like my twin.. Ily
I couldn't tell ghosts are transparent
No Support. I've heard a lot about you and most of it is unappealing and petty. You are immature, dishonest and kind of shady. Yeah okay your...
When you feel like you've just seen a ghost..
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) randomperson1008 3) hacking No-Slow 4) [MEDIA]
Actually not satisfied with this... More improved | | V - Me - FlubbaBubba - Jtrex2000 - ImTooCold_ - LJDS13256 - vividkids
Sando does more abuse to me then @Ant_Pearl did to him
Your active yeah, yeah. You do a lot of reports mhmm mkay it's been noticed but there are a lot of things to consider when I read replies stated...
Screw school the internet was invented for a reason