Why make another application? If you want to put new stuff down just edit your existing one. Still No Support same reasons.
Why me..
No Support. Practice following the rules as said you have been banned 3 times.
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) legendary_pvp21 3) Death Threats 4) [IMG]
Now when I stalk your profile it says it twice :p
Lmfao can't say the same for me :p Resupport to stay on topic.
Support! Meet* Just tryna halp :>
Beginning - 2:21 the rest is just me making sure he scammed me.
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) Sellinq 3) Scamming 4) [MEDIA]
No way in hell
He's a part of that faction that raided you guys (assuming you are in the faction "Keemstar" :p) after the reset .
Tf you talkin bout Mv is already dead. Mv is like Minetime 2.0
So your like makin a profit now?
Support Maybe /Clan Ally (clan name) /Clan Enemy (clan name) /Clan Truce (clan name)
No Support Eggs balance the game when killin donors.
Support I want dis
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) MoistBabyWipes 3) Hacking 4) [MEDIA]
1) ImTooHawt_ 2) FlyDear 3) Combat log 4) [MEDIA]
Was wonderin the same thing..
:o I didn't know he could get younger