I can feel the Harambeism.
Yes my lord... ..Must resist....
I hope it dies... Everyone's already ahead of me on mctop axes (ahem @Exstatisfy).
Yes please support ofc.
Aren't we already allowed to report players for filter bypass? Neutral
@Sando3 Gamemode of Beaten Record: Bedwars What Record Did you Beat?: Most deaths. Evidence: @Sando3 [NOT BEDS, NOT WINS. DEATHS]
Support I like to think that Pvp gamemodes are a test of strength, let's say that someone uses a lot of epearls when pvping (pearling in and out...
I didn't realize you had a forums :o
Nothing really they just don't close your mod app. As for my opinion, Neutral I'll change when you met the reqs.
Are you gonna add me or not :p
I'm very anti social I don't think it's that one either xd
Its much older though
Not in that one
I'm pretty sure we both left though
I either quit or just play whenever my parents aren't home and I already know your Skype from the group
Waywaywaywaiyut.. You will if I don't unlike your post? Xd
Nah bbs <33
The feels x2
Feels so right
Agreed @Griff