No i don't,got proof? report me, don't go off topic.
That kill aura.
I don't know why people support the hackers.
IGN: Enderkiller1327 What Would You Rate Yourself 1-50: 43 Why Do I Want To Join NightWings?: I don't have any other clan so why the heck not!
Your ingame name:Enderkiller1327 The offender's ingame name:GrizzyKillCam A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:I was about to...
Why did you not disconnect, it would have been fair.
That guy....said perma ban....
thats totally different lol this is on a game not irl.
Lol you guys take things too seriously, whos gona buy that guy weed??? no one so just ignore and move on.
Well i still want my stuff back D: full prot 3 and sharp v sword took me a while to get.
It seems like that spot is not spawn protected or something like that because any one can kill me there.
There you go, sorry about that.
Your ingame name:Enderkiller1327 The offender's ingame name:booger9 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I went afk for a few...
Ryan hacks armor in everyday and tells people to buy it of him.