I'm not spamming threads i did not see his thread, but thanks for your help :)!
So, sometimes when i try to go on mineverse most of the time this happens http://gyazo.com/99760c4f0440185f5edb61db70779a7b if any could help me...
Your ingame name: Enderkiller1327 The offender's ingame name:Mrpoofaceboy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:No knock back in...
I don't see the video?
Wow your 11 and your one of the most mature person on these forums, SUPPORT!
I do :p rakion needs to realize that too >.>
Some ones not doing their job >.> the post went off topic.
Why don't you learn English, i'm pretty sure that is English.
Nope, not all of them are dumb i rated disagree with some , i might delete the ones i think i might have over reacted but i will not delete them...
No it isn't i think your posts are dumb and im not going to delete them, i am allowed to have them im not breaking any rule what so ever, you just...
I just wanted to report him and get him ban i did not care about the 40$ :p
I do, because i think its dumb, so i rate it dumb, that's a reason, if you don't want ratings then don't comment, and i'm not going to delete...
What is your problem? i was explaining to the guy that said that is some proof, cleary your on your period sir, and this has nothing to do with...
I record every type of trade and warn them that i am recording but this guy was a bit dumb and thought i was liying. But yeah, hope he gets banned.
Yeah i hope he gets banned.
You instantly knew where he was, what you did was also hacking, don't try to convince others that you weren't hacking by posting on other threads...
Are you stupid? He was killing the other guy then he turns around in an instant when he walked behind him and starts killing him. It's clearly...
Your ingame name:Enderkiller1327 The offender's ingame name: PoisonousBlood A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Scam...
Go on your texture pack files and change it.