Hello! I've been browsing through other servers while my ping has been skyrocketing on mineverse. I found this one factions server, that is...
Someone lock pl0x
People would abuse it with alts. Just no. This idea is what ruins other servers. I suggest adding sponges... :D
Andddd you still make everyone sick with the fact that you still act like the forums is instagram. Get a life. You're mad because I pointed out...
Yea op factions not "let's store everything we own in our player vaults so no one can take them and not need to make a base". No.
No player vaults. This idea sucks.
stop hayden its not cool
No support. People would use alts to get kits and so on
LOL! I don't scam. But I do betray. But that's pvp isn't it?
Thanks all for the support! :):cat::cat::cat::cat::cat::cat:
anything in particular you want me to work on?
Not really sure why you were carrying 26 diamond blocks around. Sorry you died tho. :cat:
I'm like completely stunned that you didn't pull an @IN1NJAI and no support because of our differences. Thank you.
Why did everyone just get well known member? I have been working hard towards it and now everyone and their mother has it.
This cookie rating is the best idea ever.
Thank you! :D