Thank every single one of you for making this server a better place for all of us that enjoy it. I love all of you guys keep doing what you do <3
Support, agree
Thank you all for the support. #MakeOpFactionsGreatAgain
For a while now Hoppers were disabled and creeper eggs work some days and stop working on other days. A while ago Hoppers were removed for...
Support. There is no harm in this except for the parkour which doesnt really matter, this would be a great add on to gods and titans.
Your ingame name: MoosePMC The offender's exact ingame name: TheColorfulSlice A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
Your ingame name: MoosePMC The offender's exact ingame name:BLAZExPOWER A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Safezone killing...
Panda you were once one of the best mods on mineverse and I cant wait to see you doing what you love once again, support good luck ;)
Welcome Shiny
Your ingame name: MoosePMC The offender's exact ingame name: GNgaminz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Advertising...
There is its a glitched thats why I want it fixed
No support @Payable No need to lie in your forums post
@BlueExplorer Try a smaller size hope it helped :D good luck
Satanic ritual? xD
Like Opfactions they might have been removed.
The Lag issue was resolved it might have been reduced try 20x20 like hoppers and creeper eggs this might have been changed or just removed.
There are more levels after 11