My ingame name: SkaydiStick In creative, I did /plotme home and it said could not find plot. So I did /plotme home SkaydiStick. So I went to my...
Nope, it still doesn't work. Well, actually, the dirt background doesn't come out. Instead, I just automatically go back to Lobby. But I still...
Omg! Thank you so much man!
I really need help. So this all happened in OpPrison. I found out this command: /p tp ();(). So i placed all sorts numbers in and had fun. One...
Thank you for the follow!
Gratz guys... Sigh... I LITERALLY vote EVERYDAY EVERY MONTH and I never get to become one of the top voters. Why?
Omg.... gratz to all but.... I VOTED SO HARD! LITERALLY EVERYDAY! Btw, last month, People voted like 29 votes, 26, 27 and stuff. And this month,...
Yea. I vote so hard every month! And i never become one of the top voters! Well, hope i be one this month
Now, isnt it time for you to call out September top voters?
My ingame name: SkaydiStick Offender's ingame name: __DK1__ Rules he broke: Rapid fire hacks Evidence: [media]
My ingame name: SkaydiStick Offender's ingame name: heroboy77895, im_rxnz, EpicDeano Rules he broke: Tp-trap, scamming. Evidence: [media]
Once again, support. :3 Good luck!
My ingame name: SkaydiStick Offender's ingame name: __DK1__ Rules he broke: Kill aura and rapid fire hacks Evidence: [media]
My ingame name: SkaydiStick Offender's ingame name: bluediamond89 Rules she broke: Scamming Evidence:
And also many videos uploaded about him hacking and more. Mine includes. One of the video: [media] Another one: [media]
And also, he fakes himself that he doesnt hack in his channel! Wow I was so surprised with that. His channel:
my ingame name: SkaydiStick Offender's ingame name: foxbolt Rules he broke: Kill aura and anti-knockback hacks Evidence: [media]
Haha. Sorry didnt mean to offend you. Anyways good luck
Haha. You sound like you are gonna close up this mod app! Its not the end buddy! Good luck and have a nice day
Yea.....just all I can say now for you is good luck buddy!