My IGN: Crits_ I came along with another hacker, He almost killed me so. IGN: Vahnuus Hacks: Bhop, Kill Aura, Aimbot, Anti KB Video: [MEDIA]
I enjoy playing the new kitpvp but once again there are a lot of hackers so i try to get them out... Here's one right here. IGN: Jimski05 Hacks:...
Another Hacker on Op pvp... I found it out while i was going to fight then I saw this guy and I started to record... And he was using obvious...
I wanted to play the new kit pvp when I did i found this hacker with obvious killaura/aimbot. IGN: ZeMpZz Hacks: Killaura and Aimbot Video: [MEDIA]
Litterally right after my other post I have went down to pvp and found another hacker... So here's the things I got down. IGN: Sbdullah_111_...
Hey my IGN is Crits_ and I started getting really annoyed by these hackers so I'm trying to ban the ones I can find. Heres one on OP PvP I found....
I was just trying to pvp and i came along with a hacker.. Here i list some hacks i know he was using and his name. Player - raybon555 Hacks -...