@CypriotMerks and @Noobcrew
I made a ban appeal and she will not view I made one then she did not reply at all. A staff member have replayed on a ban appeal that is not...
My ign : boxjeremy Not my video my friend videoed it Hacker ign in video Skip to 1.00 min [media] @fryzigg @Can @la
Omg you know how to count
No support. You tend to be rude at times. Add more info. and you do dos
I know I put the wrong song I'll be fixing soon
Look : xSoulHero, Today at 1:42 AMReport that time is wrong bec it was 10 pm for me then look at video upload Published on Apr 29, 2015
but watch this first then he got banned RIGHT in the video i have time to proof...
watch the following [media]
he just got on and said elite man did not ban me meaning thats hid account
Also that accont is nervier on
it was Him , not a friend bec that accout came on here 1 min after ban so meaning he had to log on when he left he said if am banned fu** EliteMan...
He was banned but we got on his alt thats a ban right there for his alt
my ign : boxjeremy HE WAS BANNED 2 MINS BEFOR HE MESSAGE ME hes hiding from his ban [media]
RElly come on BAN HIM
my ign boxjeremy Hacker ign in video NOT MY VIDEO this is my friends [media]