@larrythebird101 , @canucksfan44
i did check my ping and its all ways the same
also plz tell me why you do not unban people you ban then nervier VIEW IT
i ment 1000
its not a threat just people will leave just reset the unarming and take the cap off
@Noobcrew , @CypriotMerks ok so you need to reset the unarming mcmmo and take the cap off theres people with 1000 unarming and you put a cap so...
@fryzigg , @larrythebird101
no I ment tped but it keeps changing to taping
you all so check your email under @mineverse
email them.
view and banned?
The best way to leave is get banned on all servers then you have nothing to do making you quit
Why are some of the staff abusing? like Really I seen so many reports and it happened to my friend. There been 5 videos I watched of staff members...
the following hacker changed his name when I said Videoed 2 videos in this report proof of name change and the hacker watch both my ign :...
Really mate is will not even work for a new server mate! Put more info... but even the info you have now you wont even get staff on any server...
like Really stop viewin gyour page and BAN PEOPLE MATES #SLOWTIME