WELCOME TO MINEVERSE! If you need any help just contact me! I'm always here :)
Hey guys! I'm bored (as always :P) so, if your also bored, chat with me! Thanks!! :D:D:D:D:D::D
Thanks, thats great.
Me too :I
Okay so hi, I'm Comrade91. I have a suggestion in creative where you can do /plot tp [owner of the plot] for everyone. But, your only aloud to tp...
I'm reporting Barfbrains. He always says he's going to grief me and stuff and he doesn't like me. He just said to me "I'm going to ban you on...
Thanks !
My suggestion is to get rid of /kit noob on OP Pvp. I'm a God and when I do kit God someone does /kit noob, fills up my inventory, and takes my...
How old are you? 13 Currently Your in-game name: Comrade91 What timezone are you in? Eastern What country do you live in? United States Of America...
Support!!! Yiur very nice!! and you have The Fault In Our Stars picture so yeah!