YOUR in game name (I DON'T need your skin link): TheEnderSlime_ (Optional) Other people in games name (This will make it near water if so many...
Wb <3
Your in-game name: TheEnderSlime_ Offender's in-game name: TheCuddlyPanda and RandomDude666 A description of how they broke it: Hacking Evidence:...
So you're going to eat me?
Nice name change :)
Nuuu pls don't leave fwend ;-; @Ifonus
Support. :)
Gratz :)
L8 gratz now stahp making me jelly and get demoted xD
Neutral, be more active on other gamemodes and on forums :)
what ;-;
@Surge @BlackZone
Your exact in game name: TheEnderSlime_ Offender's exact in game name: Bananah_PvP A description of how they broke it: death wishes (saying "kys")...