No support, sorry. Reasons stated above
I honestly don't know anything about this as I only joined this march. But I've heard how mineverse's players have been dropping, this is with...
This should be in another section... but hey, do you sell old alphas? :>
Hey... I know you :>
Maybe you should get proof of the echest and everything else, maybe that will help
Thanks for the info, I just realized this when I went to log on to skywars a few days ago and found a big spike in players.
Not sure about a prison reset, haven't logged on to mv yet. I don't think anyone else has been having this problem, and shouldn't this be in the...
Support, its nice to have this as like other servers on mv :)
Neutral, it's a good minigame but as @Smiley stated, if we add a new one in it should be original and not a copy of another server
Support, I'm too lazy to go find a full ladder.
Support. :)
Neutral, I'm used to the older new plot plugin and all that, but I'm not lagging and the new plugin supports UUIDs :D
Boo Welcome :)
Yas pls support
Love it :)