Sure, keeps things organized :)
Neutral, you seem great but you aren't so active...
I have more trouble moving around using bungee cord, lel
Support, looks kewl to me :)
Sometimes, you'll get lucky and get fixed early. Other times you'll just have to wait longer. Be patient, he will get to you soon @TADS @DinoDuck
Banned for banning a human
Cyp is dealing with a lot of these emails, you just need to wait. You can try bumping the email...
Support, I haven't even seen a named item in oppvp doe :P
Rip cat ;-; 2016-2016
Support, and the asteroid thing would look kewl
Support (i suggested this before doe :P)
Banned for who knows what
Support, you were a great mod and you can do it again :)
Banned for having a modified signature
Support, it's annoying
Support. :)
Gratz :D
Yes pls