Why :(
Gratz to everyone who won :)
No support, sorry. Reasons ^^^
You baby.
No support, sorry. You have 2 posts. You need at least 50 for somebody to support you.
Support. :)
Great idea, support :)
support, really good idea :)
Support word word word word
No support, reasons stated above
Support :) I was there at the time of the screenshots, did you get me in one of them?
Well on the forums, somebody does something wrong a lot and gets perm banned, meaning they are banned forever (maybe a chance of appealing). So...
Support, sometimes somebody gets perm banned in your conversation...
I don't think staff will make new titles that are called "Hacker repellent" or anything like that...
123 :D
Welcome to le forums :)
Wb :)
im awesome i got banned 69 times can i have mod now pls im perm banned from game annd i ha5 420 alts