dude i am
where is the legit video proof?
wheres the proof that that was winters other than his friends saying it?
OH MY GOD it was hijacked he doesnt like me and got them all to say it was winters this is so dumb and unfair i dont hack! :(
i do not hack. your a lier. end of conversation. your childish for trying to pull off a stunt like this to get me banned for something i didnt do
show me evidence you didnt
ive been banned on here before and i know not to hack on here so why would i hack
they all planned that, that was hijacked and he told them all to say it was winter this is bs i no longer hack
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That is definately anti kb, i dont know what those kids are talking about
Mc was harrassing people and i was watching the whole thing they were aging him on, this report pisses me off he was doing his job and did nothing...
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Why i think Grayson (MrBeefCak3) should be Mod 1. He is an awesome friend 2. He is extremely nice 3. He is always loyal 4. He is trustworthy in...
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