oh right ok :D
That says that a new mode should be added not new levels...
Fix the perms for completed ranks so they can help people.
Add more parkour levels! :D
+1 this looks like a good map. + it has a parkour which is always great to have!
Your ingame name: AcerFTW/TwisterPVP78 The offender's ingame name: Winnie__ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Anti-fall...
Yes thanks. Requesting lock.
Your ingame name: AcerFTW The offender's ingame name: Jeremy0301 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Anti-fall in parkour and...
Thank :D
Hello everyone, I am Acer and I recently made my forums account after being on this server for ages. I am making this thread to ask where do I go...