support for the nub! friendly ingame and on forums, fix up the few errors in your app and good luck dude!
yes and true i suppose, but hackers can't fly can they??
My name: AcerFTW Reportee's name: MinePedr0 Reason: hacking - fly Proof:
there is build height limits? :3 and is that why 25 is on your plot but not in /parkour then?
Parkour update pls <3 and fix completed and add more levels :D thank
hey guys, I think that we should have a full on parkour reset when levels 25-36 come out and also add a lobby top 10 leader board of the people...
suport, although donors would get a little something extra, eg. a multiplier?
My Ingame name: TwisterPVP78/AcerFTW Player reporting: warnersisters Reason: Hacking, anti-fall in Parkour/fly hacking Evidence: Proof of name -...
yes it is :D
oh... Thats the one i am trying to use but it won't connect me
Hello, is mine verse down and what is its falback server ip?
Why is lobby 1 and 2 down??
Mineverse was ddos'd and therefore it went down and no one could connect. it is now back up and running :D
No more info is needed in my opinion. Support.
No Support. Too nubby. (I jk! support dude. Your friendly...
nO sUpPoRt. GoDs AnD tItAnS eTc WiLl RaNkUp ToO eAsIlY.
Thank for dislike nub ;) <3
Why my inventory? I didn't do anything I just went to the guys plot and crashed
Thats a obvious screen shot of adverts... nothing is cropped from it. that is what I took a pic of. I used gyazo therefore a picture can be any...