My in game name is TheDeadlyKing<-----not the hacker just the same cooldrewboo :P Im reporting Catahmeed for Kill aura I have a video I will link...
Hey Mineverse a lot of you may not know me but I have been loyal to this server for almost 3 years now and Im sadly announcing I am going to quit...
I am Azhawaiianjr in game I was told "kys" by PPHD As you can see in the screenshot
Azhawaiianjr King_Of_PvP1278 OpFactions SafeZoning After i hit him he stayed in the safezone
Cooldrewboo __DeadPool__ hacking he clearly is hacking he knew exactly how many gaps i had in my inventory on opfactions
Hey You guys should add trade rooms in the OP Factions So people can have more legit deals and not have to worry about people stealing so much.
Cooldrewboo KTP Death threats said he would find my family and **** them up As you can see in the screenshot
Hey I am Cooldrewboo you may or may not have seen me around I have been playing mineverse for almost 3 years I am extremely loyal to this server...