__TNUK__ That is possible And they hack all there self ?
Yesshonal the vid lagg i can still have lagg while playing n....
Yes shonal my . That because i got lagg when i record :)
The rule is if you hack you get banned
you hack nothing more nothing less
Even its not hacks i maybe are hacks the mods will decide ;)
Thanks for support <3
My IGN: GeniusForLive Offenders IGN: William335a Broken rule: hacking forcefield Evidence :youtube link ---> [media]
Thesteeflame you understand you dont get knockback if nobody is hitting you right?
I know you dont like me, but you have to upload hacks if people are really hacking?
My IGN: GeniusForLive Offenders IGN: MW3_warrior1 and Jimbob224 Broken rule: Forcefield, Aimbot Evidence: youtubelink ---> [media]
GeniusForLive twittyman Forcefield, Aimbot [media]
I hack ? i know this vid isnt at the same moment but i upload it because idont hack;) i maybe think that philipK is hacking herself at this vid ?...
You said Geniusforlive hacks i see PastyG hacking ;(?
;) That dumb
Philip320 you said hacker but you cant even watch the vid;) xd
Cant watch the vid?
Yes you where turning and spinning around while hitting me
Can somebody tell how to make a clan on the forum?
My IGN: GeniusForLive Offenders IGN: Pr0M4x_B4b3 Brokenrule: Hacking (kill aura/Forcefield,Aimbot) Evidence: Youtube Link ---> [media]