Oniontacobean... he da bully me! y he bullie me! he alwasy attak me. i sopport hee's ban appeal. baht he dah faeking bullie! he arlways doo dis 2...
y u kill me, i thot u keed aroun'. butt i kan rek u enytime bic boi'. u sux, i hit u more dan u hit me, bahtt mcnerd ur bic boi heel u! u tink eur...
First of all, it's none of your business to start posting on this while you aren't directly related. Second, explain how he doesn't hack. Saying...
In 10:09 the dude who uploaded the video says that using the bow aimbot will make you aim for the head, which christopherk did.
MY IGN: SmokeSkillz OFFENDER'S IGN: christopherk I've reported this player two times now, and with the same video footage. It's sad to see that...
MY IGN: SmokeSkillz OFFENDER'S IGN: christopherk A previous report on this was denied, but I can't stop there.. Since mineterria doesn't see the...
MY IGN: SmokeSkillz OFFENDER'S IGN: DADEEBOYZZ A short video of a player using killaura and anti-knockback. Thank you for reading, more videos on...
MY IGN: SmokeSkillz OFFENDER'S IGN: christopherk An old video of christopherk using killaura and autocrits.. This video is obvious so I don't...
MY IGN: SmokeSkillz OFFENDER'S IGN: archerhead I was using my friend's account, and needed a repair... So I asked archerhead.. I started...
Is it private? lol.. Alright, sorry about that.. I'm uploading so many videos, I don't know what I do with some of them.
MY IGN: SmokeSkillz OFFENDERS' IGN: 53rocks & koby_877 This two were teaming up on me and both were using aimbot, which were locked on me. Thank...
You're BANNED?! WTF!!! WTF WTF WTF WTF! NO NONONO. *But seriously, how come you're banned??
MY IGN: SmokeSkillz OFFENDER'S IGN: 87drahthro When I was recording this player, a moderator even checked and asked me if 'she' hacks.. and yes,...
Well, he was basically using kill aura... but I don't see a difference between the two.. a hack is a hack :jim:
MY IGN: SmokeSkillz OFFENDERS' IGN: noahharris59 & Jake_the_snake_2 I was originally trying to record noahharris59's hax, but then also captured...
MY IGN: SmokeSkillz OFFENDER'S IGN: DarkDude3108 Just explorin' like Dora at the oldpspawn, then saw this fox tryna' be Swiper. So I was like,...
Congratulations on Mod :D Make sure you have my back when someone reports me xD
support, wait... is it too late? :eek: