Age: 1 Rank: Premium might upgrade to Sponsor. Skill: 8-10 Why: Was asked to and i never had a clan so this will probaly be fun
YESSS i would love this plz do it
k0rdic and geneeral with death threats. [IMG]
nvm i found out how to use my mods, ty for telling me it was only with forge!!
but i do -_-
only with forge? than how can i use my mods
just died again too it... beginning to get very annoying.
Any clues as to why?
mineverse lol...
whenever i pearl away and try to gap right after, i can eat the gap but i get no regen, and i died twice because of this!! I used to be able to...
[MEDIA] This guy says i toggle and that he is legit, but look at this kid. smh he wont even ss me.
well if i havent lost the swords i wouldnt have posted this so please dont talk about what u dont know
can a mod just give me my stuf back
=258-5824 had the other 2 swords in my hand when they turned
No because i was watching youtube and was in my room the entire time.
Whenever i afk, and i have a sword, if it is s15 or over, IT TURNS INTO A SHARP 10(19.5). I have lost 2 s15 by this glitch, plz help me. I also...
Ok, thank you for your help
In my pv1 in mineverse opPVP i had 21 stacks of gaps but now they are gone and i am missing 2 s30's also plz help me :(
i did put how long and when do u play becuase we might be playing at different times? Also i have seen you before we fought and u killed me xD...