My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: guardianguy (Kill Aura) Offense: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Players IGN: MoistPalms Offense: Hacking (Bhopping/Aura/AntiKB) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: robosmith10 (God advertising lmao) Offense: Advertising Evidence: [ATTACH] ***THIS IS NOT MY...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: EncryptedDucky Offense: Hacking (Obvious aura and at 14 seconds in, he hits me when i'm basically...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: DrinkFabweeze Offense: Offensive Name/Death Wish Name Evidence: I do not have any evidence for this,...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: ZqnUHC and Inspirited Offense: Hacking (Headsnapping constantly) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez69 Reported Player's IGN: whyhack21 Offense: Blatant Hacking (Headsnaps/Locking on) Most likely an mcleaks alt. Evidence:...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: GhostVape Offense: Hacking (He has obvious headsnappings.) Evidence: [MEDIA] This is a new video,...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: ShrimezPvp Offense: Hacking (Triggerbot/SmoothAim/Possibly Vape) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Players IGN: Procsimity Offense: IP Logging (once again) Evidence:...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Players IGN: HackedLux Offense: Hacking (Obvious Killaura/AntiKB) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Players IGN: RandomArabicKid Offense: Hacking (You can clearly see that I am no where near his crosshair when he is...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: TiredPvP Offense: Hacking (Blatantly Headsnapping onto his pet chicken/Looking at ground while...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: xFailPvP Offense: Hacking (Some sort of reduced KB) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: OP4Lyfe Offense: Hacking (No Slowdown) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: Nolans2004 Offense: Hacking (Anti KB) (Note: If anyone says "he could have been lagging out", That...
So basically, before Towny was down a couple days ago, I had the 'King' rank, and there were signs at spawn to fix ranks. I clicked the merchant...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: Sxpr Offense: IP Logging. Evidence: Pretty sure...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: DrinkFabweeze Offense: Death Threats? Evidence: