But there should not be no problem so thats why i put a thread up
thats my ender chest after i changed my name regards: _TheMysticking_
well im really disapointed at this server that it wont help it ill send a screen shot of my enderchest now ok
well its obiously wesent becuase none of my p4 is in there
[Mod] Squidy424
Pvping on mineverse
no problems awesome mate
hello im drdwagswag but yesterday i changed my name to _TheMysticKing_ and now in kitpvp i lost all my p4 armor all my sharp five diamond sword...
i think he should get mod he always helps me on kitpvp and helps alot of people so therefor i agree he should get rank moderator
Please fill out the template, or your app will be ignored. How old are you? Your in-game name: What timezone are you in? What country do you live...
Hello.... IM DrDwagSWag and i am making a app for mod because well it Hard to explain but i once had a server and it was going great i mad another...
I timed out due to server lag and I lost a full set of p4 and a sharp v iron axe and I lost 9 stacks of ender pearls and I have god rank I wish it...
I support this app all the way but u make sure u bann dem hackers LOL And DeViNeCrEaTiOn u should consitter shutting ur big mouth and I was...
Ill do what I like im new and this suites me
I think hes a good person for trying but look at all you on his report but my app is just dont worth attention
I Know This is not the best app but i seem to think that no one is looking a the app and the admins dont care??
Come get them tiger i suport u get the modd budd
Application: How old are you?I am 11 Years Old. Your in-game name: Skydiver27 What timezone are you in? I am in GMT +7. What country do you live...