Lucas <3
Is anyone tryna not play some mc together?
Dumb + Dumb = Me
6:00 AM bored. 6:30 AM bored. 7:00 AM very bored. 7:30 AM asleep.
This is the last quiz for a while. Hope you enjoy. Your score for yesterday's test: 100%. Let's get to the last 3 questions. 1: What is life?. 2:...
In spite of the way you were mocking me. Acting like I was part of your property
Life lol
Oh! Oh! I'm on
Keep calm and listen to Foster the people.
No they aren't. They really aren't
Poptart Boy -...-
Do I have to get out of bed?
I love you too?
Thank you for participating in the "Are these questions unanswerable" Quiz for today. Tomorrow you will be asked 3 more different questions. Again...
Mom came over to my apartment and brought me breakfast ;-; mom's are just too sweet
Score for yesterday's test: 90%. Let's get to the other 3 questions now shall we. 1: Am I the only one who's obsessed with Mark Foster from...
"Poptart City" I repeat. "Poptart City"
Oh. My. God. That's everything