Hi im CRAZ YFLYING CHIPMUNK and i got MANY suggestions for mineverse. I think that there is too many glitches cheats and bugs in all of the games...
You cant beg for levels. Sorry but it is the rules. We need a admin to fix that bug really badly.
You should not go. Who cares about them just ignore the chat. But please don't hack. If your one of those people that hacks and helps the game...
I agree.We need more staff soon.
well my second picture was a hacker because he was moving so fast he went to another map. but my first maybe.
I just found another hacker![ATTACH]
I saw a fly hacker in infected and i am reporting my in game name is williamvunk. sorry but i did not see the hackers name. =( He used a fly...
to look for screen shots in windows you click the button in the bottom left corner.Then in the search button put in %appdata% it has to be like...
Not again! I pick up lava buckets all the time its really annoying that they do that.
Thank you iplayzgames. i will yet again edit it.
Hello im CRAZ YFLYING CHIPMUNK. I have been having problems with finding a cell. most people would just say go to b rank or a rank.But not...
hello and welcome to mineverse
hello laura and thx iplayzgamez
please let me be a guard i only want to help the server!
If i were a member of staff and was allowed to help you i would but i cant. The rules of the server say that you can't beg staff to give you your...
brendan technically your wrong. because he only used other acounts. if he hacked into to the server before than he is a hacker. not unless. im...
thx sooper awsome
But i still think it needs changes. That would be agree able.
my name is William my minecraft name is williamvunk (i did not intend to make my name my nickname. just so you know) my mineverse name is as you...