Why do you want to know how many black friends someone has? (It looks like it is a bit about racism)
Oh i have found it. But still thanks.
I wish i could give you my sister for a slave (GET HER AWAY FROM ME!) but sadly she is already rented.
I support. Insane amount of hackers on infection.
I support.
Sorry its a habit. One moment im playing the next moment im trying to report someone.
And so again i got on infection and i have better proof than the one before. My in game name williamvunk Offenders in game name MasterAdamX...
No he was flying. It does seem like it but he did kill a lot of humans. I think he was using the glide hack.
I have seen this happen before and reported but did not get banned(no name =( ) but i do seem to remember something....... I do believe...
Look in screenshot!
He was a zombie killing us humans.
I did not get very good screenshots of him but if you look closely in it hes not on a block.
So i was playing some normal infection when i saw a $100 donor hacking to kill the lot of us humans. offenders in game name is...
I know its very strange. I cant get on infection and i cant vote.
Sadly no but the next time i win i will take screenshot.
Infection its just my game style.
How come it says your a regular member not a staff member?
I support this and also see him a lot with this but i just thought that it was a glitch. Well i guess i was wrong
hay edward ray i got a report can you take a look? Its in Lava bucket.