WOW. The gratest face ever.
Yay finnaly! Im guessing that its either troy or dirty ninja? There from skyblock. Maybe i can get my rightfully deserved 50 voted levels back!
Well hello troy. I'm from lake city florida. Extreme mario kart double dash lover! I have just started finding out the likeness of shooter games...
So it has been happening for a very long time. It needs to stop. And the only way thats going to happen is if a admin reads this. If any staff...
Hi CRAZ YFLYING CHIPMUNK here just trying to get to know the community. Well my main goal here is obvious trying to get to know everyone. So...
I like all about the kids and everything but it needs more details. If you want to check out my application it could help give you an idea on how...
Hay its kind of late like 7 days late but have a happy new year. Oh and i think the dog is adorable. NO stop me if i start talking about dogs...
Narclepsy surviver
Hay edward can you follow me so that when i report it would more likely get looked at?
Please admin just let me help!
I know but i just play over and over because im addicted. I know it sounds weird but its just me.
Go to forums and click on it.
both actually.
You cant get levels back no matter what. It is sadly part of the rules no begging. It really does need to get fixed man i voted got 100 levels...
I support it gets really annoying that's why i stopped teaming.
Hahahaha that was best part about that day. Even sirharrycool didnt try hacking in front of him.
Yes indeed yes indeed.
So i went on ahead and got on infection when i noticed the name noobcrew. I went to check it out and saw what was happening. All i am saying is...
Very nice point.