Hey guys. I have revamped this infection clan due to a few internal errors. Ranks for the clan: Emperor: @MChengPVP Mascot: @Princess...
Hi guys! I have thought about this idea for quite a while (though others ideas weren't even looked at by others ;-; ). So judging from the title,...
So I'm thinking that there should be a little youtube rank (maybe between VIP and MVP) This is so that Mineverse can be more popular... We got...
Hi guys, its Cheng again. So I have been thinking of this for quite a while, and I watched a few mine craft server videos. Here are some...
Lets start. There has been quite a few useless mod apps around here, and its getting annoying. Doing a mod app does NOT. I repeat. Does NOT give...
The title says it all. Give some memes based on mineverse :) Dont be dirty pls >-<
chengj6MC XxDeathGrim23xX spamming. like lots, in cave, just after alexa was gone ._. also a death threath
Hi guys, its me again :3 I was thinking of making a clan / faction whatever. So me and my friend Jhow (@JackIsBack ) did a pretty good job...
MChengPVP NoobCrew_ "seriously" Language.
MChengPVP draistic spam This guy accused me of hacks, despite me just hitting him from behind and throwing him off.
I'll just leave this here. For Cyp and Noobcrew :)
Hey guys. I been thinking about this clan for a looooooooooong time. Anyway, here is a new infection clan. It doesn't matter if you are in...
Okay. Some of us don't know me. Some do. Here is my tbh. I'll tell you my name through pm dou.... if i know you.