its hitting the one, getting kb-ed, hitting the other one, and go in the mine. i can not see any hacks. i was not hacking there i am not hacking i...
its not old why u rate it old..?
Your ingame name: whitettiger The offender's ingame name: williamsylvester A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming...
haha srsly..
just some extra evidence :)
am i muted or something? i posted 5 reports today 4 on oppvp and 1 on kitpvp and 0 people look at mine but when someone post something 5 min ago...
nvm just remove it
yo mods check mine too, or did all u mods ignore me??!
haha everyone is mad lol
so u also cant use iron?? WHAT??
for jailing me and muting me and stealing my lvl 30 enchant dia sword and telling my friend to read the rules and backing a guy up who got me...
Your ingame name: whitetiger The offender's ingame name: Doggelito05 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill aura anti kb...
Your ingame name: whitetiger The offender's ingame name: jordykuip A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: killaura...
Your ingame name: whitettiger The offender's ingame name: jordykuip A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: killaura...
Your ingame name: whitettiger The offender's ingame name: MrLanttu01 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill aura anti kb...
Your ingame name: whitettiger The offender's ingame name: frede1 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: anti kb & kill aura...
Your ingame name: whitettiger The offender's ingame name: Colem_2000 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: anti kb and kill...
bitch fight OOOOHHHH@@@!!!! xD
so? what do u want now? a dora the explorer sticker? xD just kidding
btw he isnt even that good, i killed him like 10 mins after he had prot 2 with prot 3 boots and god sword upgraded with sharp 5 :)