love u
chances of a map submission being accepted are slim, but I got one added once so shoot for ur dreams
no bolds thanks
yeah nah
bonne chance
was that a shoutout
these are so cute
I’m really into Loïc Nottet atm
maybe italics but not bold, I hate reading bold writing :~(
going to go home tonight and read the entire series because I feel attacked
literally have almost every book displayed in my room and I can’t say I’m ashamed
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] 2 of my 9 birds
fishy mcfishface
not a series but green eggs n ham is some fine literature
pls learn how to apply before you apply
chinese food
what if they don’t have discord or teamspeak? I remember when my internet was bad, I could barely use my browsers when I was on Minecraft, let...