Yea I've used My Camel Powers to Determine that Scofu will literally Leave a Game Just so he can go afk so :/ Good Luck with Number 5
Srry dood this was in the morning
:D Thx Its a Honor
Graped Pile Watch In MP4 for no Lag :D
Has nothing to do with My past Last I Checked Hacked armor he covered by plugin In kit pvp And there is no rule for destroying Piles Castle The...
Was I using The client in a Malicious way?
In the rules It states Exceptions Can be made Obviously Not Pile duhh
NameTags Omg Its the same thing as Damage Indicators
I was asking what expectations For Clients are there Because I didn't see them in the rules
This Came to my attention when I read My post attempting to help the server where My Name Tags aka Damage indicators Showed Exceptions?
I was Banned For a Client Containing "Hacks" Name tags is the same thing as Damage indicators. With that being said I Read the Rules Every single...
Target Acquired Activating Grape Mode >;D
Just recorded about to upload it but there's no fun if they're just afk knocking out reports :/
:O The God was Graped
As I noticed along with alot of players and a few mods some one is Using a Spam bot I know how their doing it. They Put the alts in a Txt file and...
I was reporting Next thing ik he Msg me like dood U just got Violated
I cri Every Time ;-;
Your ingame name: Camel45 The offender's ingame name: Tr00lerGR_XD (Zeros Not O's) A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Hacks...