It only Logs the first Ip u created ur account with
Well Last I Checked a Vpn worked fine for me so it won't stop anyone
I honestly don't see anyone competing with MV
Would u consider mating with a sexy camel?
@Pile_of_Butts @RealestNigga69 @Camel45 legit1337) @Camel45 @CamelxBANNED :P @Camel45 <--- 100% Girl WOW SCOFU XD @Scofu13 <--- 100% Girl XD
..... Support
:) np
Good Friend , Mature , Resolves situations quickly , Shapport x1000000000 u will make a good mod
Thank you
Requesting Lock to prevent further off topic conversations @Firo3000 @Pile_of_Butts @pokemaniac01
Well My theory Partials Cause extreme lag This has been proven Proof:...
I saw the "Lag in Prison" Thread and I thought I would share a trick for less lag * This is Raw Code * You can see there is nothing malicious *...
The Lag is cause from the BedRock walls that Gwism made
Yea I Might Need that windows 7 Link Now
Any Time
Check Program Files (x86) , Roaming Files and Temp files whatever it was named when u opened it will be the same name as the back doors It makes 4...
I cri ;-;
she didn't move after me and Noah were there for a solid 3 min But my fraps auto stops at 30 :/
@madisonjr Got Graped [media]