No but I said it to you, but now is set on this, I do not care in the second more and the video was Maybe 8 - 10 days Old but tell me Why did you...
Rachet you already handled That but hyper handled That again? The same video
Hyper i like you as mod but when you banned me for trapp That video was little Old and That Rachet had already handled That.
Hyper Rachet have already handled That i think That gonna be closed but no That was handled again now it was wrong what do you say about That...
Yes and im not 5 years old lol and he know you can't fly there
Philip told 1v1 he told yes and he told again were Philip told iron door Room and after he tpes omg They dealed i think That was incorrect
Wait little Philip told iron door it is a Room when you can't fly he told!!
Hmm yes Philip
rachet just said, Please don't spam threads in the future. As for the first video, he didn't tp trap you because you were in the open, but for...
[media] lol see that you can change your mouse speed
@rachetclanks Rachet that video is already posted you know :)
That video is already posed Close it Mods
Chloyybear4ever said on ___ewa___ and his team tp trapping. After going over this video many times, this is no proof of them trying to trap. The...
@rachetclanks plzz read what i said here and agus anyway need need adversting if you tpa so tpa to someone and if he(she are in a room it is not...
and the next video philip scamm again: was not banable. He told you if you can 1v1 with him in the iron door and you told yes lol dump on that...
no i was not a skype with philip dude we are brothers
you don't have proof if i skyped with him yes we hare brothers but lol lol you need proof how can i know that was 1v1 No ban for me if you belived...
dude Lol lol how can i know it was a 1v1 philip320 did't told Mods i can't be banned for that
and how can i know it was a 1v1 Omg do you a proof on i know it
lol no trapp dude trapp is a room when you can't get out and scamm No?