Support you is a good friend
Remove that report he is not banned Thank you.
Support good idea my enderchest is full xD
ban him he is not allowed to play rachetclanks.
someone Mod banned him again thanks remove that <3
Love u noobcrew and thanks
Okay so thunder0727 is spartanPvP?
LOL that was hacks,
Your ingame name: William335a The offender's ingame name: Fuzzycatz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill aura hacks...
i know
but what do you say if you do not have the same IP as spartanpvp?
Hm no :(
Never support. you lie spartanPvP is not your cousin and I don't think you gonna be a good Mod you teaming with Trapper Thunder0727.
at the end the photos he did not pay me, though he owed me $ 150 recommend that he be suspended from kitpvp and skygrid.
Your ingame name: William335a The offender's ingame name: Cookiebitesniper A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming i...
No support. you is not a good Friend in the game you hate me. And you is not Recpestful Lol can you help me if i have a Problem No you can't. you...
No support you hate me in the game and you telling me nub!
Well this is how it is. A report philip every closed for lack of evidence of rachet. and then scratches up Ijoacok same video again and then where...
Can i helping little scofu That was already handled sorry to post in the report the video was posted two times @ScoFu13 going to scool in 8 hourse...