support/no support They have Titan for get money People will buy maybe only for Human. Yea i know Im God and i think it was Nice to have /pet human.
SUPPORT!! <3 Nice app
Support Nice app <3 and skillbill i don't like ur smile there
lol there Mods see. Ieatwaffles forum reported
Thanks hider21 IP check if someone here being banned and Iwatfaffles why hack on crazydin0saur??. You maybe did't hacked in the video but i had...
he is not ON now lol and he hacked cleary in the video see on his head.
i will ban the hacker
Hmmm not sure of it. Did not quite so
@VaMeSa123 Thanks for checking that report
lol, that we might kill you in the game
because I do not teaming with you. And I did not say you do not skyped with them
EEEhh, Lol i fighted them more when i was not recording. They have so much hacks
Good TheHidden if you were skype with them they can add you on the hack.
Are you crazy he hacked Clary there. He can add his friend with hacks
quality is 720 and it is quite normal
Your ingame name: William335a The offender's ingame name: zapperby A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: kill aura hacks. If...
<3 :)
Support you are NICE <3
I love you rachet