/chest = a Double chest already man. Lol I already said this. /chest is a Double chest there is no /chest that = 1 chest. It's only a Double...
I already have a thread on this, no need to make more then one ;P http://www.mineverse.com/threads/add-chest-and-workbench-into-all-gamemodes.28164/
/chest = a Double chest m8.
"Haft" Ratng" Explains everything
Lol, Good luck :P.
See here's the thing, you copy every single piece of it, never added the images, the first part of it isn't scamming nor relevant and now since I...
Oh rlly. [IMG]
You know what's sad is that you are such a copy paster like get the hell out of her and write your own Guide instead of being a attention sucker:...
This isn't that great at all.
Better yet, sell wither heads for 10k to 20k in the shop and Netherstars for 50k.
What I would do? Nothing absolutely nothing, OP is just some extra nice commands nothing really special to a extent. I mean you don't get any...
This is a rant so understand this. /rant /discuss What I hate the most is when someone makes a introduction saying " Extremely late intro" or...
OP PVP not OP Factions. [IMG]
There's many ways of defending your base from /jump. It's not pay to win at all. To anyone who says it is then explain it better and suggest...
See the problem with everyone here is that you don't understand the difference about servers and when your computer is crap.
Hidden message is hidden for a reason. Anyways don't worry about him as he shouldn't be harming you anymore.
Don't need to make 2 messages, anyways eh don't worry about it no more I beleive it's handled now. [HIDDEN CONTENT]
Anything offsite/offserver is strictly offsite. Mineverse doesn't get involved unless it happens on the server it's self. But on the other hand I...