Alright, so here's the thing though, I can get multiple alts and record myself getting scammed by them little does the people know who sees my...
He is correct, he can't see the IP's as it leads up to the reverse proxy that server uses.
how 2 make a cft tble i jst strted 2day & wnaering h0w to do ti i have ded0ated wam.
Who the hell cares if it has 16 GB of Ram? I can have 32 or 64 GB of ram but does that mean my PC is going to perform better in certain aspects, no.
Noobcrew, I added you recently on Skype as my other one got suspended, would you mind accepting me please. Thank you.
Nah I meant it looks low quality, it's not proper for this server. Maybe for some small community but this server nah.
Too low quality
Why can't people read. I have stated that /chest would be for only DONORS. Meaning for only God/Titans as it's a high priority permission for...
I get your point but this isn't really "OP" if it was then I wouldn't like putting it in myself.
Any server that has a rank system is pay to win. If you disagree with that then I can be more then happy to prove you wrong ;).
Alright how about this, explain how he can be more appreciative? Also @Pile_of_Butts did it just get banned for that, Cypriot had his reasons...
@CypriotMerks GG Uncle see you soon.
So here's the thing, Turn off all that sh*t to make it look good. Not every single person is going to have the shaders and all that. So make it...
Get a Room.
Top 12 Friends on Mineverse Not you. Not you. Not you. Not you. Not you. Not you. Not you. Not you. Not you. Not you. Not you. Not you.
I mean seriously, I understand some of the Moderators aren't great nor the best. But they are active when they can be and do there job. @ScoFu13...
Yea we need way better Mods yet you have yet to state why we need better mods.
Don't worry about him, he just has his menopause moments every once in a while. Anyways, Windows XP is now not Supported for any updates which...
Why didn't you put Linux in the Poll? If we are going to talk about OS you should put the ones that are out :P. I go with Windows for most of...