Titan = Chicken, Cow, Pig, Sheep, Squid, Horse, MushroomCow, Ocelot, Wolf, Spider, Bat, Villager, Zombie, CaveSpider, Skeleton, Witch, Slime,...
>Birthday:Feb 2, 1995 (Age: 19) You are not 19.
Best Vine EVER:...
Skywars: 1,695$ Factions: 6,500$ OpFactions: 126,030$ Survival: 245,119$ Skyblock: (Playing ... so no deal) OpPvp: 8 sets of unused op armor,...
Quit it would be the best for the server, /sarcasm Anyways, you do not gain any of your items back when you get scammed as if you did that could...
Alright time to put my big opinion about this. Frankly no one on MV except Moderators are going to get the Perm /ban weather or not a chat...
Did you seriously just ask that. The server is 30k on all sides, I was with Cypriot at the time when he said he was going to do 30k instead of...
Not at all. Go speak with cyp and you would know :p.
Yes it is. Moronic people these days. Hell I can create a auto-script and it won't be called a hack. Another thing is, Damage indicators are...
Instead of removing the plugin completely why not make it so /jump is disabled within Faction Claims.
If they are biased then ask for another mod to handle it.
I agree there is some who slack but then there's some who do there job :P.
If they were abusing they would be demoted obviously. You donated $100 to the server, you won't get the money back as it was purely donation...
No Support, very ignorant and childish remarks. Only active on Forums and barely in game.
Dude come on, you are a active member not a Well-Known Member nor very active, I know a lot about this forum and what people have done before and...
Well sorry but I have seen multiple people lie about there setups and such, so proof is always great to prove authenticity.
Go to mineverse.com on your pc and then take a picture of your gaming station then I will believe this is yours.
@kitkat6605910 if you don't know yet but that means you can ban him on lobby then close this.
Lobby he is still unbanned,
Why don't you go into game and do /lobby then /lobby2 then /lobby3 then do /seen namehere on each one and if it says banned then yes he is banned....