butbut Sweg started that day you and I went on kit to get money for Free for me then came back and started that thing by the skeleton spawner D:
-My exact in game name is: GuyP196 -My purchased rank is/was: MVP -My exact issue and or game mode where the problem is: Currently I am missing...
1 I like counting better
Know who my picture is?
...that's not how it works. Minecraft worlds are infinite up to around 32 million blocks on an x or z axis. Past there chunks can't be interacted...
Apologies. I was going to post the potato knishes song but I think I'll refrain.
Mods are allowed to tp and take a look if someone calls them over to see a person breaking rules. At least, they were when I was a mod. Let's keep...
I'm pretty sure this means the rules mentioned for the prison itself do not apply for free world. Global Mineverse rules still apply.
Wut 32 winner ratings how did you even You almost doubled the record set by my app D: But support for Firo of course.
If you want a thread removed just ask a staff member to archive it. It won't be deleted but it will be moved and locked.
Sweg is complete once again
Basically this since perkergei took my post. But yeah I think there were situations in which external player or user input was useful if they...
A year on the forums this month, and 2 years on the server in March.
How about Better armor and weapons as rare rewards for rofls? That would in part address the issue of people in elite+ kits becoming impossible...
Oh didn't see that I posted here before, it was a long time ago my bad
Hmm... I haven't really been active much these days but I feel like this is worth posting on... In regards to my first post here from a while...
No support sorry.
Salutations Haven't seen you in about three forevers. How's it been?
We didn't see eye to eye on everything, but I've gotta say I'm actually kinda sorry to see you go for some reason :p Even though I'm getting...
Noticed that you got my plot... You're keeping my design?