I haven't been in game recently, did somebody remove nether?
It's gotta be something good for a post like that. Or shrooms. Also to get back on topic no support. I think fixing 8-10 would be great but...
Ten minute cooldown is already too low in my opinion, decreasing it further would just add to the existing problems as mentioned above.
God damn, that was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my goddamn life. God damn. But no I think that there is definitely a line between...
AwesomeGumi. TheIcePhoenix. Grace_Chua. Vorquae. FurryBones. Mincar123. @gianni024. @Firo. Maddy1145. @Puri~. Kinda a shame that so few nowadays...
Damn, that looks like a nice keyboard also yeah what Kyle said
Also I don't see how it's an unfair advantage. Any free person can make a grinder, they put in the work to build it and now they're using it as...
No, still missing.
Wat Ok never mind my post it wasn't when I was staff
/tempban isn't a command, it's just /ban with a time parameter so if they have any sort of ban permissions it could be abused for permanent bans.
What a scrub, couldn't even F1 when she took her profile picture now theres a crosshair on her nose
There's gonna be way too much gray area if only some names are punished and others not. And I think most parents would just take their kid off...
This thread has a point though, what's the reason for /suicide to be gone if anyone can just do /suicide : anyway?
Not sure if you're trying to go for blood vessel, but if not you misspelled vain in your signature.
would have*
Wrong, you want something sturdy, preferably metal on the lid and frame possibly with a counter type deal leading off the edge of the bowl for...
would you give me a chroma 2 key if I lick your eyes
Support. Wasn't this a rule in the past? I don't see how advertising in msg is any better than just using the whole chat, whether it's one person...