Please lock this XD
:/ [ATTACH] @RebornWolf You saw my first thread...
8 *says quietly*
5 ALERT TO ALL MODS: We have a chance ;)
Hey, me again. There's someone who keeps on saying inappropriate things on Survival. Here's an example: (My username is crazyrobotgirl) [IMG]
Hi, I was just playing survival, and then my friend fell from a high place. "What happened?" I asked. A warp trap. The warp name is warp captain....
#NewProfilePicAfterAVeryLongTime... xD
Your profile picture = Illuminati *Plays X-Files music*
Friends have their moments, but really, fighting makes them a better friend: You can't both be the same. Like jam and Vegemite. Yum.
Happy bday! Also I'm loving that profile pic :)
I'm 83 I want mod I want it cuz I'm old and coz ur mum's a modrata DUHtemplates r for teachers pets if u don't gimmi mod then I will whack u with...
Mum's phone and
Never tried them but sounds yum. Chicken :hungover:
Basically all of my friends are mods now...
Support! It's dang annoying.
You should move this thread to help, then you are more likely to get helpful suggestions :)